
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chipotle-style Burritos

These burritos taste just like Chipotle's Chicken Burrito and they are so easy! Grab your leftover Mexajita Chicken and Green Rice and let's get started.

Chipotle-style Burritos

Warm up a large tortilla on a griddle. Meanwhile, heat up leftover chicken, bean and tomato mixture, and rice. Place tortilla on plate and top with black beans and tomatoes.

Top with green rice.

Slice chicken and arrange on top of rice.

Sprinkle shredded monterey jack cheese over chicken and top with a dollop or two of sour cream.

Roll up and serve. I paired the burritos with applesauce, but chips and salsa is another great option!

This recipe is featured in Meal Plan: Nov 29-Dec 5.

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