
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I feel so blessed to have spent my fifth New Year's Eve in a row with my awesome husband Jared. We did not stay up until midnight (I don't think we ever have, at least not since Nathan was born in 2007), but we did have a fun evening watching movies and playing games.

Jared put together this gorgeous cheese, meat, cracker, and chocolate platter:

I made these little cocktails. We don't actually drink alcohol but I saw this drink idea on this website and just had to make a "virgin" version.

First I made ice cubes from water and pomegranate arils (leftover from making a half-batch of these cookies).

Once they were frozen, I put them in glasses, poured soda water over them, and added a splash of lime. So fun!

Best wishes to all for a happy and prosperous New Year!


  1. Happy New Year Heather! I love making funky Ice Cubes. We have these little pac man trays, and we used to have some in fish shapes too! We'd dye them all sorts of colours, or add fruit or even make little ice creams out of them! So much fun.

  2. I love it that you made these! I wound up having "virgin" spritzers too- the ice cubes are the best part!
