
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 9 - Making Snowflakes


On Day 9 of our Christmas Countdown, the kids and I had a blast making snowflakes and decorating our glass patio doors. Since the last time we had used their scissors, Nathan cut right through his shirt (some safety scissors, huh?) this time we used our art smocks that my dear friend Jeni gave us.

Meanwhile, Ray made trouble over by the bookshelf...


  1. Cute! I love this idea! And Ray looks so handsome and so grown up!

  2. I remember my boys use to LOVE making snowflakes. I would let them make them every other Tuesday evening....because every other Wednesday our housekeeper would come!
    I think Ray was having the best time of all!

  3. I liked the caption "Our home will never be featured in a magazine, but that's okay". Mine won't either! :)
