
Monday, December 13, 2010

Roasted Chicken

Picture courtesy of
Confession: for the Roasted Chicken on the menu this week, I am taking the easy way out and purchasing a roasted chicken from the grocery store. It's not that roasting a chicken is particularly hard, in fact my friend Julie has great, simple instructions on her blog here.

It's just that I've been too busy couponing, enjoying the beautiful weather with my kids (seriously- playing outside in December in Colorado without a winter coat on? crazy!), and working on a great new blog feature that I hope to be able to unveil in a couple of days!

I made home-made popovers to go with the chicken, though. Because they were easy. Oh yes, and good. That's all.


  1. Who HASN'T taken the easy way out a time or two with a rotisserie chicken?! I can usually find one that's half off if I shop later in the day (after 5 pm), so it's a pretty cheap alternative to making my own. Sometimes, convenience is good for the soul. :)

    I'm jealous of your beautiful weather; right now, the wind chill is -1!!
